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Who We Are

The Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition (MCRC) is a statewide coalition of individuals and organizations that advances economic rights and financial inclusion through research, education, advocacy, direct service, and community organizing.

Working at the local, state and federal level, MCRC unites individual consumer advocates, poverty and consumer organizations, and grassroots members to press for policies that protect vulnerable Marylanders. We also educate individuals on consumer issues and consumer rights, advocate for consumer interests, study critical consumer issues, and build the consumer movement throughout Maryland. Our coalition includes more than 7,000 supporters along with partner groups including Civil Justice, AARP Maryland, the Maryland CASH Campaign, Maryland PIRG, the Job Opportunities Task Force, and the Maryland Alliance for the Poor.


How We Work


MCRC addresses consumer issues through five pillars of work: education, direct service, organizing, advocacy, and research. All of our work is based on extensive research reports investigating consumer issues. This information is disseminated to consumers through strategic channels. Our education efforts target financially vulnerable populations, such as older adults and youth. Finally, our research and outreach efforts lay the groundwork for our advocacy work. MCRC promote policies that benefit consumers and regulate predatory financial products.

Our Values: MCRC seeks a level playing field for consumers and focuses on protecting the assets of low-and moderate-income families. We strive to ensure that vulnerable groups have strong safeguards in place to help them build and maintain assets throughout their financial lives.


What We Do


Career Opportunities

Do you care about economic rights and equity? Do you want to work to help build a movement to create a fair and just economy in Maryland? Join our team of dynamic advocates, social workers, and housing specialists who are committed to making Maryland’s economy work for all in a fair and equitable manner.

The Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition (MCRC) advances economic rights and equity through research, advocacy, consumer education, organizing, and direct service work. MCRC works to build a multi-racial, people-centered movement to expand economic protections and community reinvestment for working families, low-income communities, and communities of color. We work statewide, as well as at the City, county, and federal level. Click below to learn more about our current career opportunities.